Monday, August 3, 2009

Hand Sanitizers

We are germiphobes. Seems everyone uses hand sanitizers. Moms carry them around in their purses, Dads keep one in the glove compartment, my doctor's office has a big pump bottle of it at the sign-in counter. They mostly contain toxic ingredients. They are harmful to our health and VERY dangerous for children. It is not good for anyone, but especially children, the elderly, or anyone with a lowered immune system.
The ingredient triclosan, contained in some products, has been banned in Europe. It is an antibacterial agent that has been linked to abnormalities in the endocrine system and weakens the immune system. It is a hormone disruptor. It is used in many products, such as Dial Liquid Soap and Softsoap products.
Recently, a recall has been issued by the FDA on skin sanitizing products made by Clarcon, due to bacteria found in the products.
Many hand sanitizers contain 60-90% alcohol. This is a stronger concentration than most hard liquor. Most parents would never allow their young children to drink a martini. Yet, if a child licks their hands after just using a hand sanitizer, or worse yet ingests the sanitizer directly, they could actually suffer alcohol poisoning! Lots of schools dole out a squirt of these hand sanitizers on a regular basis. Kids lick stuff. Especially if it is squirted out on their hands. The New England Journal of Medicine has published info on the dangers of ingesting hand sanitizers.
These alcohol-based sanitizers are also flammable. Don't use them and then light the grill!
Purell and Germ-X are two that contain isopropanol, which is poisonous. And they kill all of the bacteria on the skin, even good bacteria which help fight bad bacteria. Vicious circle.
Simply, plain old soap and warm water has been proved to do a better job of cleaning the hands. If it is absolutely necessary to clean your hands when away from home, all restaurants (including Mickey D's) have bathrooms with running water. Carry a little bottle of soap with you to use. Or make your own spray with organic essential oils with antiseptic properties such as tea tree, lavender, jasmine, tuberose, thyme or grapefruit seed extracts. Make sure you dilute it enough with water. You don't want a child to use too much or get it in their eyes.
READ LABELS!!!! These hand sanitizers usually have the warning: Keep out of reach of children. Doesn't that tell you something?

Copyright Karma

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