Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What is lurking in your home?

Cleaning your home is supposed to get rid of all kinds of germies, dirt, dust, bacteria and mold. But, how many cleaners do you have to do these tasks? There are literally hundreds of cleaning supplies out there, and most are toxic. They stay on the surfaces you clean, get on you and your kids, your pets, the air in your home and even combine with other cleaners to produce who knows what. Some products contain possible carcinogens, others can cause asthma, bronchial and eye irritations. Spray disenfectants (and any type of sprays) are very bad for your respiratory system. Even hospitals are starting to recognize this, and have found that when patients are not subjected to toxic cleaning products their recovery time is shorter. Young children and those with immune deficiencies are the most susceptible. Kids crawl on the floor and touch surfaces that have been "cleaned" and then put their hands in their mouths. Most cleaning products are poisonous, and should simply not be in the house if you have children or pets. I know no one wants to have to make a call to Poison Control. Kids can get into anything, even a cabinet with a child-proof latch. When those cleaning products are washed down the drain or flushed down the toilet in the cleaning process, you are contaminating our water supply. That's the bad news. The good news is that there are alternatives that have low or no toxicity and they will save you so much money! What you save in cleaning products you can then spend on organic foods. You and your family will be so much healthier.
Feng Shui Facts:
Part of the practice of Feng Shui is Bau Biologie, or the study of the holistic relationship between buildings and human beings. Creating healthy places for us to live and work is the goal of Feng Shui. Chemicals used within the home are in almost every cleaning product. And, if you can smell it, it is in the air of your home. Household chemicals that contain toxic chemicals are aerosol sprays, ammonia, anything with bleach, carpet shampoos, drain and oven cleaners, glue, spot removers, laundry detergents, and pesticides. 
Green Solutions:
Many of the cleaners you have in your cabinet can be replaced with simple, inexpensive and non-toxic ingredients. The following list may help in getting you started. Just quit buying all of those commercial cleaners. Excessive phobias about germs are just that- phobic. We DO NOT need a sterile environment to live. Anything that is labeled germ-killing probably has triclosan in it, which is a pesticide. It is a suspected endocrine disruptor and really does not do any better job at removing germs than plain old soap and water. If you habitually clean with bleach, stop. Use products containing essential oils such as tea tree, thyme, eucalyptus, or grapefruit seed. 
Furniture polish 2 parts Olive oil mixed with 1 part lemon juice; or walnut oil
Window Cleaner/ 2 tsp white vinegar in 1 quart warm water
Floor Cleaner
General Cleaner & 1/2 cup borax in gallon of water
Mold remover Hydrogen peroxide ( Also works on many laundry stains)
Scouring Powder Borax, baking soda or table salt on a damp sponge
If stains are difficult, try Bon Ami
Toilet Bowl cleaner/ Sprinkle baking soda and drizzle with vinegar
Drain opener Pour 1/2 cup salt down the drain, followed with boiling water, flush with
hot tap water
Silver polish Soak silver in salt water in an aluminum container, wipe clean
Stainless steel cleaner Baking soda with vinegar
Liquid Soap Castile soap (It's made from vegetable products)

Send me ideas for your favorite green cleaners! If you just HAVE to buy products, at least buy
less toxic ones like those from Seventh Generation, Ecover, etc. Begley's Best can be ordered online.

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