Friday, September 26, 2008

Live Simply

Don't you hear a lot of people complain how complicated their lives are? 
Stress. Not enough time. The economy. Schedules. Lost items. Kids. 
Simple living. A nice goal. We all say we would like that, but how many of us really plan it, create it for ourselves and our families, and live simply? Now, I don't profess we should give away all of our worldly goods and live off the land. I like my creature comforts too. You know how I feel about coffee. But look around you right now. How many things in your room do you really, really need? Have they just been sitting in the same place for so long that you don't even notice them anymore? I spent the first 30 years of my marriage acquiring stuff. For the last 5 years, I've been trying to get rid of a lot of it. You start to trip over it, squeeze by it, then kick it. OK. Enough is enough.
Feng Shui Fact:
Clutter is the mortal enemy of Feng Shui. Because the flow of energy in your home is like the flow of blood in your veins, blockages are pretty harmful. When you have clutter in closets, drawers, on desks, and everywhere else you are dragging down the energy in your space, and therefore your energy.
Most people tell me they would like to get rid of their clutter, but it is just too overwhelming. Where do you start? Just start. Start small. Clean out just one drawer. Take 15 minutes. Set a timer. When you finish you will feel lighter, really good. I promise you will.
Green Thing:
I've started to really take a close look at items in my home. What is its purpose? Do I use it? Do I even really want it? What is it made of? But, before you de-clutter and go tossing everything in the garbage, think about recycling it. Magazines can be donated to doctor's offices, hospitals and senior citizen centers. Clothes can be dropped off at donation centers. Just abut anything can find a new home. Find non-profit groups in your area, and find out what they need. Household items may be accepted at a Women's Shelter (Vera House here in Syracuse). If you have an item that Aunt Tillie gave you, and you just don't love it, pass it on to the friend who once admired it. It just might be more their style. They might just love it. 
Now, before you buy ANYTHING ELSE, think about it. Do you absolutely need it? How was it made? What is it made of? What is it packaged in? Is there a greener alternative? If there is a choice between two items, pick the one with less plastic packaging (especially if it is the kind you need a saw to get open) or with less toxic ingredients. If you can't pronounce it, don't buy it. 
There ARE alternatives. Just because it is convenient and available doesn't mean it is the only option. Just because you have always used it doesn't mean it is safe. The more I look for options, the more I find that going green just means Living Simply.

Green Products:
Planet Laundry Detergent 
Twenty Mule Team Borax (add a little to the laundry detergent) 

Related websites:  
(Onondaga County) Great lists of recyclables. Check out the Community Collection Center.
(They list items needed and the charity that needs them)
(If you plan to remodel, check this out. It is a good way to recycle used, but good condition items)


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