Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Small Things

Sometimes it is the small things. Especially when they work - and work well. I found two things like that in one week. I know they seem insignificant, but when they make life a little easier, it is great! One thing I have found is microfiber cloths. They are surely a wonderful invention! They were fairly inexpensive, totally reusable (forever) and totally non-toxic. No cleaners necessary. I found them in the grocery store. These were made by Quickie. One is bright royal blue and cleans windows, my eyeglasses, my glass-front appliances and more. The other one is brown and is for dusting wood furniture. It works. No spray furniture polish (bad to breathe in) needed. Just the cloth. When they get dirty, just rinse them out and let them dry. Simple! 
The other thing seems like I should have been taught by my grandmother, or maybe I just wasn't paying attention. I have several clear glass vases that I use for lucky bamboo plants. They don't look very good, because they get hard water stuff at the water line. Mix some salt and vinegar to make a paste. Use an old toothbrush and put some of the paste on the glass, rub in a little. Wait 15 minutes and scrub a little more. Rinse well. The stuff comes right off!  I am going to try it next on the shower door with a sponge. If it works on that, it will be a miracle!
If you find a small thing you love, let me know!

1 comment:

Jennifer Matott (Sigmagirl) said...

You know I'm not a cleaner, but those microfiber cloths sound great... I need to find those the next time I go to Wegmans!

I think I told you, but I found an adorable bib clip that uses any paper towel or washcloth and clips it using a ribbon and 2 clips to hold in place for baby! No looking for bibs... LOVE that!


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